September 28, 2024
Dear Readers,
Are you stacking cordwood, arranging bittersweet and grapevine wreaths for your front door, tying corn shocks to your porch posts, and picking pumpkins and mums for display? Maybe you’re stocking up on Halloween candy, or designing a costume. You may be settling into cooler temps in your part of the world, but here, wet summer days have lingered through the month. We’ve recently moved to a New Jersey shore town and would like to create a “coastal fall” look on our porch, but may settle for the few bronzey mums that our denizen deer have sampled, maybe an impervious pumpkin or two this first season of unpacking. Some in the community have gone to festoons of autumn leaves — and campaign flags — this fall’s feature, for sure...
Poetry Plus Imagery: Late Summer - Early Fall Haiga
An image paired with Haiku is alternately called Haiga or Shahai. This link has a good explanation of Haiku with a Picture.

There doesn’t seem to be a warm, cozy, fuzzy slippers kind of way to announce my switch from all-free to some paid posts. I feel darned awkward about it. Paywalling has to be as hard for the writer as for the reader. I’ve decided that instead of cutting readers off at the pass, blocking them from reading a full post thus thwarting their efforts to fully engage with one’s writing isn’t for me. Nor do I want to set automatic paywalls on my archives. Having said that, I wholeheartedly agree that indie authors deserve to be paid for the time and effort put into regular posting. I’m presently activating a paid subscription option to Roots & Branches/Memoir-ish Musings by Mel, selecting premium previous posts for paid reader access. I welcome your thoughts and appreciate your ongoing support. Thanks again for being here ~ Mel
© Mary Ellen Gambutti
I really enjoyed this style. I never experienced this before so it was new for me. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading!