Hello, Friends ~ I’d like to hold high-summer days like this in stop time, suspended in blissful 80° sunshine, with peace to spare. But we're briskly headed toward August, and nothing points to calm in this election season. But I offer you a brief batch of poems and images with a wish for respite.
Mayan emerges from mossy cave — sun salutation
enchanted banyan walk — you take my hand
fly or die — only a cloud away
foamy white sand/egret feather floats/all quiet but surf
serenity holds no fear
sailboats at rest — muggy air
the heat of day — even blossoms rest in shade
How a story begins in a pull from the past — wanderings.
lifting clover spires to bee and butterfly, the pepper bush — its roots in muck.
fragrance of lavender and old roses — confetti of memories
Love the imagery and Haiku.
I love them! They offer respite when things feel weary.
My two favorite:
Serenity holds no fear
How a story begins in
A pull from past wanderings ( That is how I come up with story ideas!)