When comparing the “rights” of those involved, a lot of why’s. Why this, why that. Who grants rights anyway and are they right in their assignments?

Strange. I was not adopted but always felt as if I were. Being the first born, I guess I didn’t have a right to motherly affection as that was needed for my siblings. Not sure they got any either.

Whether adopted, orphaned—essentially orphaned with my father’s death at age eight—or growing up in a healthy, well-adjusted……..wait. Those type of families are only myths for those living in fantasyland.

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Thank you for reading and your thoughtful comment, Jim. Yes, all of us are entitled to equal protection under the current U.S. law. Lorraine's piece accurately reflects the situation in the 1970s, and, unfortunately, things haven't changed as much as we adoptees would have hoped.

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Sorry if I came across as harsh. I think I may be suffering some PTSD in this lost battle for the mythical American soul.

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Not at all. Peace, friend

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